Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Updating Blitz #1

After a well-earned eight-and-a-half hour sleep, I've got the first of at least two major updates for y'all to vibe with. The following are pictures from Kitchener, London and Hamilton. You'll notice that there aren't many pictures of the actual concerts...I mean, I'd rate Sleater-Kinney as one of my ten favourite bands in the world, and yet they aren't featured in a single picture up on Touring Steve 2005 (well, except as Pearl Jam's back-up singers). There are two reasons for this. One, I don't like taking pictures during shows--I like rocking out. Two, I can't figure out which setting(s) to use in order to capture what's happening. Can anybody lend a hand? Right now everything is either turning out really blurry or really dark. I need sharp, focussed lighting! Anyway--enjoy.


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